Welcome to our Site!
How to help
We are always looking for new volunteers and are interested to hear about your ideas and insightful
suggestions. If you or someone you know is interested
in getting involved, please contact us at VictoryOverAddictionNH@gmail.com.
Businesses, Associations and Partnerships
If your organization or business is interested in associating with Victory Over Addiction, please contact us at VictoryOverAddictionNH@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope to soon join arms in the fight against addiction.

Latest project:
Recovery Housing
When addiction takes hold of an individual, they often times lose having a place to live, leaving people feeling abandoned and desperate. When this happens, even finding a place to rent is next to impossible. Prospective landlords ask for references and a rental history which can be lacking for those recovering from substance abuse. The funds will be used to obtain housing dedicated to assisting individuals’ fight to hold on to recovery thus regain an ability to have a clean rental history with supporting landlord references.